Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie on Hillary Clinton’s America and the history the Democratic Party premiers this weekend. I urge you to go see it in the theater both to support D’Souza, an outstanding conservative filmmaker, and to get a preview of what life will be like for you and your family under a Hillary Clinton presidency. If this movie does not convince you to vote against her, I’m not sure what will.
Oh God No! Not more of this lame We Republicans Opposed Slavery virtue signaling! Yes many Democrats are corrupt but so are many Republicans! And if you’re going to bore me to death with casting aspersions on Old Hickory then just forget it! I come from what Walter Russell Mead calls the Jacksonian Folk Community. Like Jim Webb. Without us the modern Republican Party can’t win. And it’s Trump’s campaign rhetoric that has inspired us to fight for him. If you want to talk about where Progressivism comes from it’s the Republican Party! Along with abortionism. Many of the old segregationists migrated to the Republican Party starting in the Sixties. And just out of curiosity what party did Hillary Rodham Clinton grow up in? Now I’m not a Catholic but it seems to me that many Catholics co-existed with segregationists in the Old Democratic Party for DECADES so this seems a bit hypocritical! There is PLENTY of dirty laundry to air in the Republican Party so why not a little Doctor Heal Thyself? Exactly what moral purposes do free trade, immigration amnesty, tax breaks for billionaires and the long, long history of violent Republican suppression of labor organizing serve? I would suggest that you and your readers watch Stefan Molyneux’s Youtube video on the origins of the Civil War. And also ask yourselves why so many Irish Catholic Democrats objected to fighting in that war? – signed A Proud Trump(and Buchanan) Protestant Democrat! God Bless America!
Chris Jackson
Mitchell glad to have protestant democrats on board. We need everyone we can get to stop pantsuit from imposing her will on us in November.