Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie on Hillary Clinton’s America and the history the Democratic Party premiers this weekend. I urge you to go see it in the theater both to support D’Souza, an outstanding conservative filmmaker, and to get a preview of what life will be like for you and your family under a Hillary Clinton presidency. If this movie does not convince you to vote against her, I’m not sure what will.
Tag: election 2016
There are currently dishonest self-professed Catholics who are shamelessly distorting an out of context footnote from a letter by Cardinal Ratzinger in 2004 to promote voting for pro-abortion Hillary Clinton in this year’s presidential election.
The letter clearly states the following Catholic moral teaching, which all Catholics who continually vote Democrat (pro-abortion) ignore at their own peril:
The video evidence keeps coming in and at this point it is overwhelming!
All of the videos are listed below in chronological order with dates:
On August 10th the Washington Post’s Callum Borchers wrote a particularly dishonest piece called, “People love it when Donald Trump makes fun of journalists — except one in particular” . It reported on a recent Bloomberg poll that asked respondents what statement/action of Trump’s bothered them the most. Still waiting for the Hillary version of this? You’ll be waiting along time.
Of course, one of the actions the poll asked people to rate was “Trump’s criticism of a reporter that was seen as mocking the reporter’s physical disability.” Note “that was seen as…” Don’t you love it? Who saw it that way? People who watched the video of Trump with the media caption “Trump mocks disabled reporter” plastered on it? The media created the impression that Trump was mocking the reporter’s disability when in fact this was not the case as we have shown:
Today, Glenn Kessler, “Fact Checker” for the Washington Post wrote an article entitled, “Donald Trump’s revisionist history of mocking a disabled reporter.” So right from the beginning you can see he intended to be completely fair and balanced. No, instead he repeated the same old party line on this story, gave Trump “4 Pinocchios” and moved on. Fortunately for you, we are here to hold him and the rest of the media accountable every step of the way.
The first thing to notice about the WaPo “Fact Check” is that it does not once show video of Serge Kovaleski, the disabled NewYork Times reporter. Instead, WaPo only shows you video footage of Trump impersonating a flustered reporter who Trump claims is trying to backtrack from his 2001 reporting. Note carefully what WaPo’s “Fact Checker” states about the video (emphasis added):

Photo: Donald Trump speaks with a disabled member of the Warriors for Freedom Foundation.
A YouTube account that goes by the name “Angie Grover” is the creator of two of the videos we featured in our now viral article titled “Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability” which can be read here:
The creator of the videos wrote us recently, thanking us for exposing this media deception and giving thoughts about it. We thought it was worth sharing below. Please show your appreciation by checking out the videos exonerating Trump and thanking Angie Grover for helping expose the media and turn the tables on Hillary in this election!
At the Democratic National Convention speakers are repeating the claim, amplified ad nauseam by the left and establishment GOP opponents over the past year, that Donald Trump mocked the disability of New York Times reporter, Serge Kovaleski. This accusation has served as a very convenient tool to both smear Trump’s character and to avoid having to confront him on substantive political issues. But is it true? Here is the story the media is not telling you.
It all started on November 21, 2015 when, at a rally, Trump said he remembered seeing reports of Arab Americans celebrating the 9/11 terror attacks on rooftops in New Jersey shortly after the twin towers fell. As he told George Stephanopolous in an interview the next day on ABC’s “This Week”: