The following comes from The Deus Ex Machina Blog ~ “A blog dedicated to chronicling the ‘Restoration of all thing in Christ.'” The author, S. Armaticus, a Catholic, recently explained why he is voting for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. His opinion echoes elements of our own opinion expressed on The Remnant not too long ago:
Donald Trump is a salesman, a businessman, and a competitor. He is old school, tough, blunt. But most importantly, he deals firmly in reality. Because to get results in business you have to deal in reality or you go bankrupt. I believe this key fact is a huge one for Catholics. The very philsophical foundation of our Faith is recognizing that there is an objective reality and conforming our thought to be in accord with it.
In contrast, all liberals, especially Hillary Clinton, live in a world of ideology completely unmoored from reality. This is inherently dangerous… When leaders start trying to conform society to principles against reality you end up with totalitarianism because you need the force of the state to try to continually change a reality that will not change…
Although Trump does not have a 100% Catholic platform, and would never be elected in our society if he did, the one thing he has is common sense. He does what works to get tangible results. With a man who operates based on reality, on what works, on the practical, one can have a conversation. With a progressive ideologue, there is no conversation. Because that person rejects all of the reality based premises you are starting from. They work off of the false premises that white people are all oppressors and have “privelege”, all men are sexists, there are no differences between genders, gender is a social construct, following one’s religious teachings upholding the natural law is discriminatory and prejudiced. There is no compromise with such an individual because they are living in an unreal world of their own construction.
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