The Catholic Case for Donald Trump

Trump Praises Mother Teresa in Video; Hillary Loving Press Bashes Her

Yesterday, Donald Trump posted a very classy tribute video to Mother Teresa on her canonization day.

In contrast, Hillary’s surrogate newspaper, the Washington Post, took the occasion of Mother Teresa’s canonization to publish a disgusting attack piece against the Catholic Saint:

In India, where Teresa carried out the majority of her work, that legacy was called into question last year, when the head of the Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) sparked outrage by criticizing her intentions.

“It’s good to work for a cause with selfless intentions. But Mother Teresa’s work had ulterior motive, which was to convert the person who was being served to Christianity,” RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said at the opening of an orphanage in Rajasthan state in February 2015, the Times of India reported. “In the name of service, religious conversions were made. This was followed by other institutes, too.”

Pope Francis: Trump is a Christian; Catholics Can Vote for Him


The reaction to Catholics 4 Trump from the left has been humorous as well as ironic. The one complaint we hear most often from non-Catholic liberals is that, “You Catholics must listen to your pope! He said Trump was not a Christian and you can’t vote for him.” First, progressive “separation of Church and state” non-Catholics lecturing Catholics that they must listen to a pope tell them how to vote is rich.  Second, approximately zero of these people actually read what Pope Francis said on the matter, much less the later clarification from Fr. Lombardi at the Vatican Press Office.

Indeed, the most depressing thing we have found since starting this effort is the amazing amount of US Citizens who get their voting information from headlines and shallow media hit pieces. In fact, we are willing to bet that a large number of leftists and nevertrumps will simply read the headline of this article and then immediately point out the same tired claims we stated above. Because of this sad state of affairs, we found it necessary to clarify this matter to put to rest, once and for all, the confusion willingly aided by a complicit dishonest media.

Zmirak: “Christians Would Be in a Fight for Civil Survival” Under Clinton Presidency


John Zmirak recently penned a short but important article at that hits to the very heart of why every Catholic, Christian, Pro-Lifer, and conservative must vote Trump in November. Why? Because our very way of life and freedom to practice our religion are at stake. They may be lost forever in this election. If you don’t believe it, please read carefully:

Hillary Clinton “In Awe Of” and “Enormously Admires” a Racist Anti-Catholic Bigot

Hillary Clinton: ” I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision,” …“I am really in awe of her, there are a lot of lessons we can learn from her life”

So spoke Hillary Clinton upon receiving a Margaret Sanger award from Planned Parenthood in 2009. But who is Margaret Sanger?

Arina Grossu wrote the following in a Washington Times article entitled, “Margaret Sanger, racist eugenicist extraordinaire“:

A Clinton Presidency: The Coming Christian Persecution


If you can only send your conservative, pro-life, Christian friends one article to try to convince them to vote for Trump this November, this one is it. Share it far and wide! It comes from Wayne Grudem written for Townhall and it is excellent. We were going to try to compile an article just like this one cataloguing the horrors of a Clinton presidency one by one. Thankfully, Mr. Grudem did all of our work for us. If this does not convince every pro-life conservative Christian to vote Trump in November, I don’t know what will.

Excerpts from Mr. Grudem’s piece are below. If you only read one persuasive article to vote against Hillary Clinton this election season, make sure this is it:

Hugh Hewitt to #NeverTrumps: It’s the Supreme Court, Stupid

Hugh Hewitt

The following piece by Hugh Hewitt, a former Trump critic, is a must read for all #Nevertrumpers. Hewitt breaks the case down to three elements. The most important is the courts. This is something most people simply do not understand. While Hillary’s team and their complicit media are presenting a Khizr Kahn dog and pony show to distract the public, the damage Hillary could do with her judicial appointments would, in the words of Obama, “fundamentally transform America” forever. Be warned.

The following is from Hewitt’s new piece in the Washington Examiner:

Hillary “Communes” With Dead People? Reason 5,000 for Christians to Vote Trump

Hillary The Conjuring

Just when we thought Hillary could not get any stranger or more repulsive to orthodox Christians we find this. Bill Clinton said the following on October 17, 2012, during the dedication of Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park:

A special thanks to the members of the Roosevelt family who are here. And the one who is not, Eleanor, who made sure that the four freedoms were included in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. I know that because, as all of you famously learned when I served as president, my wife, now the secretary of state, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis. And so she called me last night on her way home from Peru to remind me to say that. That Eleanor had talked to her and reminded her that I should say that.

Hillary’s Myth: A Gender Pay Gap Based on Discrimination


Speaker after speaker at the Democratic convention have now railed for four days about ensuring “equal pay for equal work.”  This is puzzling since every Democrat in recent memory has vowed to fix this problem in their administration. We’ve now had close to 16 combined years of Democratic presidents since 1992, but still somehow the “gender pay gap” is not fixed. Now Hillary Clinton in 2016 is the latest Democratic nominee vowing to fix it.

But isn’t this the modus operandi of Democrats? They play up problems that only they can solve, but yet they are somehow never solved. For if they were solved, you’d have no reason to vote for them. One of the problems they play up is discrimination. If you listen to the Democrats at the convention, you would think we are living under Sharia law the way they imply companies are blatantly paying men one wage for doing the exact same job and a woman another. But is this true?

Trump v. Hillary: Rational Decision Maker vs. Blind Ideologue

Trump Deal With it

The following comes from The Deus Ex Machina Blog ~ “A blog dedicated to chronicling the ‘Restoration of all thing in Christ.'” The author, S. Armaticus, a Catholic, recently explained why he is voting for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. His opinion echoes elements of our own opinion expressed on The Remnant not too long ago:

Donald Trump is a salesman, a businessman, and a competitor. He is old school, tough, blunt. But most importantly, he deals firmly in reality. Because to get results in business you have to deal in reality or you go bankrupt. I believe this key fact is a huge one for Catholics. The very philsophical foundation of our Faith  is recognizing that there is an objective reality and conforming our thought to be in accord with it.

In contrast, all liberals, especially Hillary Clinton, live in a world of ideology completely unmoored from reality. This is inherently dangerous… When leaders start trying to conform society to principles against reality you end up with totalitarianism because you need the force of the state to try to continually change a reality that will not change…

Although Trump does not have a 100% Catholic platform, and would never be elected in our society if he did, the one thing he has is common sense. He does what works to get tangible results. With a man who operates based on reality, on what works, on the practical, one can have a conversation. With a progressive ideologue, there is no conversation. Because that person rejects all of the reality based premises you are starting from. They work off of the false premises that white people are all oppressors and have “privelege”, all men are sexists, there are no differences between genders, gender is a social construct, following one’s religious teachings upholding the natural law is discriminatory and prejudiced. There is no compromise with such an individual because they are living in an unreal world of their own construction.

Austin Bay: Nevertrumps Are Living in Neverland


Catholic writer Austin Bay explains exactly where the nevertrumpers break down. His piece on is entitled, “To All the Peter Pan Republicans: Trump Bests Captain Crook Clinton; The businessman succeeds where the GOP has failed.”  If you are a nevertrumper or if you know a nevertrumper, I highly encourage you to read and share Bay’s piece in full here:

Until you do, here are some highlights:

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